Monday, October 8, 2012

Mrs Keane recommends ...


Thornspell by Helen LOWE
(Fairy Tale Adaption/Fantasy/Adventure) Prince Sigismund has grown up listening to stories of magical enchantments, knights and dragons, he'd love to be part of such a fantastical adventure but they're all just stories aren't they?

The Familiars series by Adam James EPSTEIN & Andrew JACOBSON
(Fantasy/Animal stories) Find out how Alwyn, a young alley cat without a speck of magic, can become the familiar of a trainee wizard. When the wizard and his fellow trainees are kidnapped Alwyn teams up with the other familiars to save them.

Alice-Miranda series by Jacqueline HARVEY
(Girls stories) Alice-Miranda is a perpetually positive seven year old girl who takes herself off to boarding school, just because it appeals to her sense of adventure and regardless of the protests from her tearful parents.

Three Doors Trilogy by Emily RODDA
(Fantasy/Adventure) The Warden of Weld asks for volunteers to venture out and find and destroy the enemy. Many young heroes volunteer and none has ever returned. Rye is too young to follow his brothers on this quest, but things change and he feels he must go now if he's to find and help them.

The One And Only Ivan by Katherine APPLEGATE
(Animal stories) Ivan the gorilla has spent most of his life with humans and the other animals in the Big Top Mall.  He has only vague memories of the time before his cage until the arrival of a young elephant who reminds him of the importance of family and belonging.

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